Below are a few photos of locations featured in the DS Pete Gayle series. Some are mine, others from the Internet. More will follow in time. They are in no particular order.

The first one is of Fore Street, location of the pool hall Pete's informant Darren spends a lot of time in. Second is Mama Stone's, at the bottom of the narrow street containing the taxi office Pete has visited a number of times. Then we have The Lodge, in the corner of Bury Meadow Park. A night shot of Cathedral Square. Another of Bury Meadow Park. The Combined Courts. Dawlish Warren from above. The Alms Houses on Magdalen Road. Exeter Prison. The entrance to Dartmoor Prison. The Royal Devon and Exeter Hospital, which Pete has visited countless times, for various reasons, in the books. Crownhill police station in Plymouth. Two pictures of Heavitree Road police station. Exeter Central railway station, outside which another of Pete's CI's, Mick Duggan, busks as often as he's allowed to. And an aspect of modern Exeter - Princesshay shopping centre, which has featured in more than one of the books. Following that, the new Exeter police station, opened in April 2020, next to the Devon and Cornwall police HQ at Middlemoor on the eastern edge of the city and a happy co-incidence - I was writing the next novel in the series, at a point where Pete had just visited a potential witness in South St Exeter and left there to head up the High Street. When I finished the scene I went onto Facebook and what did I find? This picture of that very junction, posted that same morning! Then we have a couple of shots of Exmouth Esplanade including the setting for the opening scene of Book 10, No Good Deed, followed by a couple of Exwick cemetery, where Book 13, No More Than Bones, opens. Then we have some from Book 14, No Second Chance, starting with one of mine of the head of Barbican Terrace. Then there is Barbican Steps, which go down from the Terrace, an old image of Countess Wear where Mill Road meets Countess Wear Road, (there is now a garage on the junction, belonging to the cottage beyond it), and one of the gargoyle in the back of the house on the corner of Roberts Road and Topsham Road. Weirdly, all three of these last images popped up on-line while or very shortly after I was writing about those very locations. In April 2024 I managed a rare visit to the city. (My ME prevents it being a regular occurrence.) So here's one taken by Pru of me outside the Sidmouth Road police station.