A new opportunity and a lot of hard work.

Having no Mac or Smartphone, I hadn't even thought of Apple I-Books as somewhere to offer the Pete Gayle series for sale. (Thankfully, HQ Digital had, for the first three, though I wasn't aware of it.)
I realised this omission the other day when I was browsing the web for something else, so decided to do something about it.
Well, they don't make it easy!
Having been publishing on Amazon, Kobo and Nook for a couple of years, this was hard work. It's taken about a week, but after a lot of struggling and swearing and several exchanges of email with their help desk, I've finally figured out a way of doing it. Probably not the right way, but it seems to work, so now two books are up - I can only cope with one a day on this system or my head would explode!

February 2020