I think I’ve finally found what I’ve been looking for, to mis-quote Bono – a way to banish those pesky typos that seem to sneak through no matter how diligently we go through the editing process. (A 4-stage job, at least, in my case.) Nearly thirty years ago, when she was ill with cancer, my first wife was given a couple of audio books. (They were on tape cassettes in those days). Several years later, I tried one, didn’t like it so took no more notice of the concept. But it now seems to be the up-and-coming thing and another author tells me that Amazon provide a facility to convert e-books into audio books with AI-generated voices. I’ve yet to find that, although I publish through Amazon, but I have discovered that Google Play provide the same facility. And having the book read back to you while you’ve got the original text file open in the background provides an excellent way to pick up on and correct any typos that have managed to avoid previous scrutiny, with the added benefit that you’ve got an audio book as well as another marketplace for your work, at the end of the process. So I’m starting at Book 4 in my crime thriller series and going through all of them in that way. It’s a lot of effort, but it’s got to be worth it…